Author Archives: csu

Join us for pub night!

Join us for our first Pub Night of the year! Undergrads, Grads, & Faculty members are welcome!

Friday, November 18th from 7-10pm Duke of Cornwall – 400 University Avenue, Toronto, M5G 1S5

Only the first 50 people will get drink tickets, food not included. Minors are welcome, however, minors cannot receive drink tickets or purchase alcohol.

Can’t wait to see everyone there!!

Department Survey – we want your feedback!

Do you have any suggestions or concerns for the Chemistry department? We would love to hear your thoughts!
The CSU will be meeting with Dr. Andy Dicks (Professor and Associate Chair) as well as Nicole Treston (Undergraduate Counselor) and Dr. Kris Quinlan (CSU Faculty Advisor) to discuss the feedback from our student body, and see what changes we can implement to better YOUR experience in the department.

This form will be completely anonymous so please be as honest as possible. The form is available to all undergraduates who are enrolled in a chemistry course this year. All participating students will be entered to win a $20 Amazon gift card, the winner will be announced the week after the deadline.

Please fill out the form by Friday November 18th, 2022, 11:59PM!

Link to the form:

Upcoming: Graduate School Panel

Do you want to learn more about graduate school? The Chemistry Student Union is hosting an online panel of UofT Chemistry alumni who are completing graduate studies at Harvard, MIT, Caltech, and other universities at 7 PM EST on October 19th, 2022! The panelists will be sharing how to best prepare as well as their experience in graduate school thus far followed by a Q&A session. We’ll be introducing our panelists over the next week on Instagram @csu_uoft so keep an eye out!

Zoom Meeting ID: 843 9626 8095

Passcode: Potassium


CSU 2022 – 2023 Exec Team Update

We’re excited to announce our congratulations to the newly elected 1st and 2nd year reps for the 2022-2023 school year! Huge thank you to everyone who came out to participate in the election and made it a great event. We hope to see you all next year!

First Year Representatives: Abhinav Sahal, Audrey Xing
Second Year Representative: Han Yao

What’s New For This Fall?

Have a look at our “Upcoming Events” & “Resources” pages for the latest info about the upcoming 1st and 2nd year rep elections at the end of September, as well as locker rentals in Lash Miller!

Mailing List Sign Up

Want to stay up to date with what’s going on in the U of T Chemistry Department?

Sign up below to stay informed about the latest resources, general information, and all the fun upcoming events that we have planned for you this year!

This will make sure you don’t miss out on our mentorship program, our office hours, grad school admissions panels, academic seminars, exam jams, social events and more. An essential if you want to make the most of this year in chemistry!

Form Link:

Class of 2022 Yearbook

A huge congratulations to the Class of 2022🥳

The CSU would like to put together a yearbook for the Class of 2022 with information on your future plans! We would really appreciate it if you could fill out this form by Wednesday, April 20th 11:59pm EST.

— The CSU Exec Team 2021-2022
PS. You’ll automatically be entered into a raffle to win one of ten $15 giftcards upon completion of this form!

Form Link:

CSU 2022-2023 Exec Team

We are super excited to announce our congratulations to the newly elected executive team for the 2022-2023 school year!

President: Annie Li
Vice-Presidents: Samuel Hugie, Sasha Maniaci
Social Coordinator: Patricia Stewart
Social Media Coordinator: Judi Ashri
Academic Coordinator: Atang Peloewetse
Treasurer: Jitian Chen
Secretary: Kevin Yuan

Thank you to everyone who ran for next year’s exec team! We appreciate everyone for your continued support of the CSU.

CSU Pub Night

Come join us at our pub night this semester on Friday, April 8th! This will be a great chance to hang out with some friends or meet new people! Only 80 people will get drink tickets on a first come, first served basis. Bring some friends and we hope to see you soon!

Date: Friday, April 8th, 2022
Time: 6 – 9 pm
Location: Duke of York, 39 Prince Arthur Ave.

CSU Executive Team Elections

If you’re registered in at least one CHM course per semester next year and would like to be part of the 2022-2023 CSU Executive Team, please fill out the following form by Sunday April 3rd at 11:59pm!

The actual election night will be on Wednesday April 6th at 6-8pm via Zoom. During this time, all candidates will be able to give a 2min “pitch” on why students should vote for them, and will answer questions posed by the attending students. Only students in attendance at the meeting will be able to vote. Only undergraduate students who are registered in a CHM course in at least one chemistry course per semester next year, or chemistry program students may vote (specialist, major, minor). Voting will be anonymous, but student IDs will be collected and verified by the department.

Zoom link: (Password: Carbon)

The CSU is a fantastic team to be a part of, and as of this year, we are officially an award-winning team (! This is a fantastic way to get involved in the department and to make close connections with students from all years.

Thanks for joining us for all our events this year! We hope to see many of you run for next year 🙂

For any questions, please write to For more info on the CSU, please see:

Form link: