CSU Elections

We’re nearing the end of the year, and with that comes the exciting task of finding new interested members to join our team! 

For both the candidates and voters, you need to be enrolled in at least one CHM course per semester next year (2021-2022). To join our team: 

For everyone who is interested in voting the new CSU executive team, the candidate information will be posted for up until 24 hours after the election along with the voting form. The form and the candidate information will be disclosed in our next mailing list. Make sure to attend the live election too if you can!

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1843747735801756

CSU X ChemClub Trivia Night

On Wed Apr 7, 2021 from 5-7 PM EST, the CSU and ChemClub will be hosting the First Winter Edition of Trivia Night. Lots of students came out to our Fall Trivia Night, and we hope you’ll join us on Zoom for a night of memes, chemistry, and prizes!

Please sign-up as pairs, and we will match pairs of undergraduate and graduate students. 

Please complete this form before 11:59 PM on Sat Apr 3. Both you AND your friend(s) should sign up individually (i.e., not one person signing up as a team). You will receive the zoom link to the event after you sign up. Team and prize information are in the sign up form. 

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/190553542624122

PCSU Industry Night

The Pharmaceutical Chemistry Union (PCSU) has invited speakers from the pharmaceutical and chemical
industries to come in and enlighten us about opportunities to start a
career in their respective work fields. Unsure about where your degree
can take you after graduation? Well, join us this night to find out! Our event will take place on Thursday, April 1st from 6-9 PM. Doors
will open at 5:30 PM for pre-event socialization and networking, so
feel free to arrive then.

Dress code: business casual

The speakers are as follows:

  • Anne Milochik of University of Toronto; Candidate Interviewer,
    Mentor, Faculty Council –
  • Patrick Williams of ANI Pharmaceuticals; Senior QC Manager
  • Sydney Currier of AHRC at St. Michael’s Hospital; Clinical Research Specialist
  • Thannoj Thavalingam at Health Canada; Senior Regulatory Affairs Officer
  • Brittany Epp-Ducharme at Health Canada; Scientific Evaluator

This year, the PCSU will also be holding a raffle for a chance to win
1 of 3 Tim Horton’s Gift Cards ($20 each). The raffle form will close
at 6:10 PM on April 1st, 2021, so be sure to fill out the form before
then. Winners will be announced during the event and subsequently
contacted by email. Please note that you may only enter the raffle
once/Please limit your response for the raffle to one entry. The link
to the raffle can be found here: [https://forms.gle/ncinEoQyDXYJFZjP8] This event will take place virtually on Zoom this year. (While we
recognize that this will be different from past Industry Nights the
PCSU has held, we hope that you will enjoy the event regardless.)

Link: [https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/82382172395]

Meeting ID: 823 8217 2395

Passcode: 702070

Best, PCSU

Questions & Suggestions Form Deadline Reminder

We will be meeting with Prof. Andy Dicks and Nicole Treston to represent your questions, concerns, and suggestions again in the winter! Please submit responses here by Feb 23rd at 11:59 pm. Last semester’s meeting notes can be found here.

(Resources) Academic Success Team Drop-ins

Are you feeling that there’s too much to study and too little time?

Are you concerned about upcoming evaluations?

Are you just feeling overwhelmed by your readings and learning remotely?

We feel you.

The Academic Success peers are online to talk and help you out. As of this reading week, the academic success team is piloting sessions throughout the term for you to drop by with your questions and concerns, no matter how small. We’ve been running academic mentor appointments for a while now, but these drop-ins offer fast, judgment-free support for whatever is on your mind.

If you haven’t checked them out yet, take a look at the peer workshops posted on CLNx: we have multiple options to help you with things like Taking Useful Notes from ClassesReading Effectively, and Planning your Projects.

And last but not least: the Study Hubs are running online at multiple times every day to help you complete readings, work on assignments and prepare for finals. Like the drop-ins and workshops, just sign up on the Academic Success Events & Workshops calendar on CLNx to join in.

Peer image: https://utoronto.sharepoint.com/:i:/s/sl-sg/academic-success/EZT7b3Fe8qRPhMI9BDSZkzsBEdVZUMUKaVgt926bBfuxxg?e=QNUixJ

Study Hubs image: https://utoronto.sharepoint.com/:i:/s/sl-sg/academic-success/Eenx7gJyPflCu5-PvMOkJ8ABGp3CgIZyP-pX2yl0IJXO6w?e=l6klB4

Academic Success peers list: https://studentlife.utoronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/Academic-Success-peer-mentors.pdf

Academic mentor appointments: https://studentlife.utoronto.ca/service/academic-mentor-appointments/

Next Taking Useful Notes from Classes workshop: https://clnx.utoronto.ca/home/slevents.htm?eventId=30282

Next Reading Effectively workshop: https://clnx.utoronto.ca/home/slevents.htm?eventId=30417

Next Planning your Projects workshop: https://clnx.utoronto.ca/home/slevents.htm?eventId=30284

Study Hubs website: https://studentlife.utoronto.ca/program/study-hubs/

CLNx website: https://clnx.utoronto.ca/home.htm

Academic Seminar with Prof. Corinna Schindler from the University of Michigan

This year, we’re delighted to welcome Prof. Corinna Schindler as our first international speaker on the CSU Academic Seminar series. Prof. Corinna S. Schindler is an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan, USA. Her research group focuses on innovations in modern synthetic organic and organometallic chemistry that enable the synthesis of biologically active molecules.

Time: Wednesday, February 17th 3:15 pm EST

Zoom Information:

Zoom link: https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/88307792949

Passcode: 988834

FaceBook Event Page: https://fb.me/e/26xWXZphb

Please join us in learning more about Prof. Schindler’s research at the University of Michigan!

Non-Academic Careers in Chemistry Panel

Learn more about non-academic career pathways in Chemistry from a Canadian patent lawyer, an industry leader at Merck, and the executive director and co-founder of Pueblo Science! This event will be on Saturday February 6th from 2-4pm!

Submit questions for the panel here: https://forms.gle/sDZyy24SLYYLTZm36

Link to join: https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/88551840536 (Password: 130153)

CSU Virtual Game Night

Looking to destress before midterms? Put your creativity to the test and join the CSU for a night of Skribbl.io (Pictionary) on Saturday January 30th, 7-8pm via Discord!
Invite link: https://discord.gg/W3Ra9hPstS

CSU x ChemClub Fall Trivia Night

The CSU x Chem Club fall trivia night will happen on Friday Dec 4th 5 -7 PM EST via Zoom. Sign up for the event here if you are interested and win some great prizes!


First Place Team — each member gets a $15 gift card

Second Place Team — each member gets a $10 gift card

Third Place Team — each member gets a $5 gift card

Academic Success Supports for Students

While we’re all doing a lot of remote work these days, Academic Success has online supports to help you out! There are two resources that might be of special interest, both of which are running throughout finals season (and will resume in the new year too):

You can book an appointment with an Academic Success peer mentor to get fast support with:

  • reading and note-taking for tests, exams and assignments
  • finding motivation and overcoming procrastination when working remotely
  • setting and achieving goals
  • making schedules to manage multiple aspects of your life and your academic expectations
  • knowing and accessing the University’s services and supports.

You can join the virtual Study Hubs to set and meet your studying goals. Quiet, welcoming spaces allow you to complete readings, work on assignments and prepare for tests and finals. You can find an online community that will support you in going the work you need to do, whatever that is. They run at multiple times every day: just sign up on the Academic Success Events & Workshops calendar on CLNx.