Place your order here by Friday Oct 16th 11:59 PM.
Check out the design here.
(Note: we only accept e-transfer)
Place your order here by Friday Oct 16th 11:59 PM.
Check out the design here.
(Note: we only accept e-transfer)
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We are delighted to announce that we have a new academic event this year – CSU Graduate School Panel! The purpose of the event is to help chemistry undergraduates to better understand the graduate school application process and to connect with UofT chemistry alumni who are now pursuing graduate studies in chemistry in Canada (UofT) and overseas (Stanford,
Caltech, Scripps, Cambridge, Oxford). The event features a brief overview of the grad school admission process, followed by the Q&A session with graduate students. The panel will be held on Saturday, October 10th at 5pm via Zoom. Everyone interested in applying to graduate schools in chemistry is welcome to attend our new event!
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 968 9010 1870
Passcode: 805506
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Congratulations to
First Year Reps: Annie Li, Sam Hugie
Second Year Rep: Brandon Brendel
Thank you for everyone who voted and thank you to all the other applicants too!
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Learn more about the mentorship program here.
Mentor Applicant Link:
Mentee Applicant Link:
Deadline: October 5th 11:59 PM for both mentor and mentee registration
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Do you want to be a part of the CSU this year? Are you a first- or second-year taking any CHM course? Here’s your chance! Apply to be one of 2 first-year reps or for the 1 second-year rep position and join our CSU team! As part of the exec team you will help organize events and also keep the students in your year informed about everything CSU. It is usually 3-4 hours a week. We are flexible but we would appreciate commitment too!
Want to know why you should join? Lets see what some previous reps had to say:
“Being a second year rep allowed me to connect with other chem students. It also provided me with a great opportunity to enhance my team-working skills!”
– Margaret Zhang
“Being a first-year representative helped me better understand the inner workings of the chemistry department at U of T. It was also a great way to get involved with others who share the same interest as I.”
– Tristan Downey
“As a first-year representative, you gain direct insight into how the CSU organizes its events and initiatives. You play the crucial role of informing other first-year students about the academic and social opportunities offered by the CSU. Also, depending on your interest, you can take charge in creating new events for the future.”
– Tony Hu
But if you want to find out for yourself, fill out the following form by Sunday September 27th, 11.59 PM : (closed)
Your campaign and election will take place on the same day, on Monday, September 28th between 6-7 PM via zoom! To vote in the election you must attend this session!
Check out the candidates!
Vote by Sep 28th 11:59 PM:
Zoom link:
Password: Ruthenium
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Start your year off right, and join us for the first-ever CSU x PTSA x MCSU x PCSU information session! In addition to hearing about the Chemistry Student Union’s upcoming events and opportunities, seize this info session as a four-in-one chance to also learn about the Pharmacology and Toxicology Students’ Association, the Materials Chemistry Student Union, and the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Student Union! This event will occur on Thursday, September 17th from 5-6pm via Zoom.
Zoom Link & Password:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 679 094 4264
Passcode: 3q4Y1K
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What? All-inclusive ski trip to luxury Mont-Tremblant, QC
When? Friday January 17th – Sunday January 19th, 2020
How much? See below for breakdown
We are opening registration for ski trip to our undergrads! Your ticket includes transportation to Mont Tremblant, accommodation, and a 2-day lift ticket. We will gather in LM Thursday evening Jan 16 for an overnight drive to Mont Tremblant. 2 Day lift tickets are for skiing Friday and Saturday. We leave Sunday afternoon and return to LM in the evening on Jan 10. Signups are closing on December 6th!
If you want to participate in ski trip, please email Monika ( the following information:
a) name of people attending the trip, indicating member or guests
b) skier ($270 per member, $335 per guest) or non-skier packages ($220 per member or guest) – undergrads: you’re considered a member if you’re currently doing a CHM499 project!
c) add-on items you would like for purchase (see below for possibilities)
Monika can accept payment at donuts, E-transfer, or arrange a meeting in her office space. Please let her know of any questions you may have.
We hope you can join us!
All prices are same for both members and guests
3rd day lift ticket: $40
This ticket allows one to ski Sunday morning before leaving on the bus with everyone at 3pm.
Travel Insurance: $50
Gear rental (2 Day): $70
Gear rental (3 Day): $95
Helmet rental (2 Day): $15
Helmet rental (3 Day): $20
Dogsledding: $80
Those who sign up for dogsledding would go Sunday morning and return with enough time to get back onto the bus.
Clothing rental is available, however ChemClub is not able to offer a discount.
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What? Annual semi-formal holiday party
When? Friday December 6th, 6:00 PM
Where? Drake Hotel, 1150 Queen St. W
How much? $35 for both members and guests
Holiday party is just a few weeks away, and you can buy your tickets! Buying tickets is as easy as pie. For E-transfer, send your E-transfer to Monika Satkauskas at and set the question as “What city do we study in?” with the answer as “Toronto” – to pay in cash or for any questions, contact Monika and she’d be happy to arrange a meeting.
What your ticket gets you:
We hope to see you there!
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Come join us on November 28th at ES B142 for an exciting academic seminar on the Identification of Toxic Pollutants Binding to Key Proteins presented by Professor Hui Peng.
Abstract: More than 80,000 chemicals are produced for commercial use today. Assessment of the potential health effects of diverse chemicals is challenging for traditional environmental toxicology methodologies. In this study, we will develop protein-centric bioanalytical strategies, and then apply these methods for high-throughput identification of toxic pollutants binding to key proteins from the environment. We will use poly- and perfluorinated substances (PFASs), and quinone-related air pollutants as case studies to introduce the concepts.
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Be sure to come out to CSU x PCSU Pub Night on October 25th, 7:30pm at Firkin on Bay (1075 Bay St)!! There will be 2 FREE (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) drink tickets per person and a ton of FREE food! See you there?
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