Chem and Biochem Grad Info Session: GWC

Come find out more about grad programs!

The Guelph-Waterloo Centre for graduate work in Chemistry and Biochemistry will be visiting on Thursday, January 17 at 12pm in LM128.

There will be FREE pizza and drinks! See you there!

CSU Chem-Biochem Grad Info GWC

Exam Destresser!

Wed Dec 5th | 1-6pm | LM204

Come celebrate the last day of term and get christmasy with the CSU!

There will be FREE hot chocolate, coffee and timbits along with lots of board games, a screening of home alone, Charlie brown’s christmas playing on repeat, and a space set aside for quiet studying of course!

See you there!


CSU and ChemClub Pub Night

Fri Nov 16 | 8pm | Firkin On Bay

Can you believe its November already? Come forget about midterms / research with us this Friday at Firkin On Bay!
We will be giving out 2 FREE drink tickets per person and there will be a ton of FREE food!
See you there!


Talk by Nobel Laureate John Polanyi

On Thursday, October 25, 2018, from 5-7pm in SS2135, we will be hosting a talk by Professor and Nobel Laureate John Polanyi!

He will be speaking about “How discoveries are made and how we can survive them” as well as his recent groundbreaking discovery featured in Science Advances on how to control chemical reactions. To read more about Professor Polanyi and his research, CLICK HERE.

Coffee and donuts will be served! We hope to see you there!


CSU Undergraduate Research Application Seminar

Interested in honing your chemistry skills?, are you a Chem undergrad? Well we got the perfect thing for you, undergraduate research!

Research-Application-Seminar (5)

2015-2016 Executive Team

Your CSU executive team of this year!
President: Tanya
Vice-President: Filip
Secretary: Sarah
Treasurer: Vanessa
Academic Coordinator: Mohammed
Communications Director: Galan

Talk by Prof. Mitch Winnik from the CHM Department

On Thursday, March 20, 2014, from 1-2pm in LM 108, we will be hosting a talk by Professor Mitch Winnik!

He will be speaking about his research and academic career, and his current research. This is a great opportunity to know more about Prof. Winnik, who you might have had for your CHM138, CHM325, CHM426 or grad courses. Furthermore, if you are interested in polymer chemistry, its applications, and the research being done in this field, this is an event you don’t want to miss!

To read about Prof. Winnik’s work and his Research Group, CLICK HERE. Alternatively, you can read the abstract posted below:

Pizza, snacks, and drinks will be served! We hope to see you there!

Event Reminder: U of T Grad School Info Session – Feb 4, 2014

Canada Wide Graduate Information Sessions

Details on Chemistry Graduate Info Sessions at other Canadian institutions can be found here:


Our New Renovated Office!!

Hey Everyone!!

We have recently renovated our office and we want you to come check it out!
Thanks to the Chem Club’s support, we have BRAND new  furniture, including new couches & chairs, a 39″ HDTV, a new printer and computer, speakers, and coffee/tea machines!!

If you are looking for a new hangout location on campus, look no further!!! We are going to try to be open before labs so that if you forget to print your lab report, you can do so (at a cheap price)! Only 5 cents a page!! Also, you can brew yourself some coffee or tea for only 50 cents!!

We will also be bringing movies and a Nintendo GAMECUBE to test our new TV, so PLEASE come by, kick up your feet, and get to know us better!

– CSU Exec Team